The South Clifton Coronation Hall is run by a team of volunteers that take bookings, raise funds, organise events and shows, prepare and serve tasty food and drink. It takes many people to ensure the hall is there for our community and we are always on the lookout for additional people. If you wish to help out with the running of the hall, please get in touch.
Even more important than the commitee is the small army of volunteers we have to help out at events and ensure they run smoothly. Helping out can be as simple as washing up, tidying up, making tea and coffee. If you wish to be a helper, please get in touch.
Money makes the world go around, and it also pays for the upkeep of the hall. Other than the use of the hall itself, there are several fundraising activities throughout the year that help keep the hall running. From the summer fair to the afternoon teas and the produce show, these all help pay to keep the hall open. If you want to have a fundraising event to help the hall, please get in touch, we will be happy to help you organise and run it.
To be part of the team or to help raise funds, please contact us at